Categories: Lifenews

Woman Left Behind $7.5 Million For Neighbors

Neighbors of a woman from central Germany unexpectedly inherited property and a stock portfolio worth €6.


2 million ($7.5 million).

Renate Wedel had lived with her husband, Alfred, in the Weiperfelden district of Waldsolms in Hesse, central Germany since 1975.

Source: Waldsolms

Alfred, who died in 2014, was “successful” and “active” on the stock exchange, allowing them to build a substantial stock portfolio.


Since his death, Renate had been receiving care in a nursing home in Frankfurt, where she died in December 2019 at the age of 81.

The district was informed about Renate’s will in April this year, which mentioned that she had bequeathed it a bank balance, shares and valuables.


“I thought at first, this is simply not possible, I thought a comma had slipped, something is not quite right,” Mayor Bernd Heine said.

The original heir, Renate’s sister, had already died while the initial inheritor of the couple’s property in Weiperfelden declined because of the cost of maintaining the house and outbuildings.


The community is obliged to use the €6.2 million inheritance for “community facilities and infrastructure.”

“The community of Waldsolms posthumously thanks the Wedel couple for this important inheritance,” the community wrote in a statement.


“We will deal with it very responsibly, develop our community for the good of all and keep an honorable memory of both.”

Heine shared that money was needed for cycling paths, buildings and a kindergarten.

However, the residents suggested that the money should be spent on an outdoor pool, public transportation and facilities for the children.