A mother is explaining her extreme fury at her neighbor while accusing her of forcefully feeding her child ‘spicy ethnic food’ too.
According to media reports, one woman from South Asia explains how she was left feeling dismayed after one of her neighbors accused her of feeding her son spicy food, forcefully.

Shocked beyond belief, the neighbor named Linda says that she dropped off her child at the South Asian woman’s home, thinking he would be in safe hands as she went off to attend a very important meeting.point 436 |
The gracious woman welcomed Linda’s son with open arms.point 53 | Now Linda was very particular about her son Ben’s diet and that’s why she even sent a lunchbox with her son, hoping he would be eating just that and nothing else.point 197 | 1
In the same way, she requested the neighbor to refrain from sharing any form of sweets with her son too.
It so happened that the South Asian woman was busy prepping lunch for her own family. There was aubergine curry on the menu with fresh homemade rotis or flatbread to accompany the wholesome meal.
The aroma of Indian spices filled the air and Linda’s son Ben came running into the kitchen and requested to try some of the food. Without any hesitation, she offered him the Indian meal, without thinking about how Linda would feed at the end of it all.
When it was time to leave, Ben graciously thanked his neighbor and took his full lunchbox back with him, making his mum wonder what really went on. And when Ben explained the entire scenario, Linda just wouldn’t listen. She was infuriated at her neighbor’s behavior, accusing her of sabotaging Ben from his vegan lifestyle.
But the woman tried to explain to Linda how everything her son ate was vegan friendly but the mum just refused to listen in anger. Linda even called her a**hole for feeding her son without her permission and it now appears there’s a major neighborly feud between the two.