American fashion designer Vera Wang has confirmed her age after Twitter users were left shocked at the idea of her being 70 years old.
While other people rely on anti aging creams, serums and beauty sleep in an effort to prevent wrinkles, there are a few out there who simply seem to have been blessed by the anti-aging Gods.

The prominent fashion designer was born in New York City and was hired to be an editor at Vogue immediately after graduating from Sarah Lawrence College, already defying age-related expectations by becoming one of the magazine’s youngest-ever fashion editors.
Wang worked at Vogue for 17 years before joining Ralph Lauren, and she eventually resigned and went on to become an independent designer.

Given that Wang went to Vogue after college and worked there for 17 years, we know she is at least 37. Add in her time at Ralph Lauren and the fact that she is now a well-established designer, and we can assume she’s past 50.
Just by looking at her, it would be hard to believe she was any older. To be honest, it’s hard to even believe she could be in her 50s.
In fact, Wang was born on June 27, 1949, meaning she’s just over a month away from celebrating her 71st birthday.
Twitter users expressed their disbelief as they shared some stunning photos of Wang, writing:
Though the use of ‘b’ word was unnecessary, the poster presumably used it to express their jealousy or surprise at Wang’s youthful looks, and many other social media users were quick to follow the post.
One person said that Wang is ‘older than all of [their] grandparents’ and said they were in ‘awe’ of the designer, while another said she doesn’t look ‘a day over 40’.
The post received so much attention that Wang herself felt the need to verify it, writing:
Wang has since shared her ‘secret’ with the world, posting a picture of herself wearing a golden facemask. It’s unclear exactly what magic potions the facemask holds, but it’s obviously working.
The designer will no doubt continue to confuse people with her looks for years to come, but I suppose if you’ve got it, you might as well flaunt it.