Categories: Lifenews

Vatican Calls Homos*xuality A ‘Choice’ While Refusing To Bless Same S*x Unions

The Vatican made claims on Monday how the Catholic Church would no longer bless same-sex unions.


According to media reports, Pope Francis approved the statement that mentioned how the Vatican would no longer take part in blessing gay marriages. The shocking decision threatens to bring about a wider gap in the chasm that already exists between both the church as well as LGBTQ community.

Source: The Guardian

Explaining the shocking decision via a lengthy note that came in on Monday, Pope Francis called homosexuality a ‘choice’ while referring to it as sinful and something that simply can’t be recognized.


He also added how it went against God’s plans, causing outrage amongst millions of members belonging to the LGBTQ community. The Holy See added how this blessing relating to homosexual unions would not be considered as licit, under any circumstances. The message was delivered via the Vatican’s chief doctrinal office, ‘The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.’

Source: BBC

God certainly ‘does not and cannot bless sin,’ he added in his statement.

Without a doubt, the decision raised so many eyebrows as Pope Francis is well renowned as well as frequently praised for his auspicious and welcoming tone to the member of the LGBTQ community, located both in the church and outside it, mentioned the statement.

Source: Huff Post

In the same way, the decision comes as a major setback for all sorts of Catholics who hope for the institution to take on a more modernized approach towards homosexuality. Meanwhile, the news comes as dozens of nations around the globe, including several in Western Europe, have taken a stance to legalize same-sex unions.

Source: ABC 11

Moreover, the church’s reticence towards embracing LGBTQ members has also been long held as a potential source of alienating it from the younger generation of followers.


The statement added how gays and lesbians could potentially receive a blessing if they lived their lives according to the teachings of the church. But for now, they have no intention of blessing same-sex unions as they believe it encourages a way of life that can’t be recognized as objectively ordered to the plans of God.