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Breaking: US Now Has Highest Number Of Coronavirus Cases In The World

sdfdsf.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Breaking: US Now Has Highest Number Of Coronavirus Cases In The World

According to the latest stats released on Thursday, it has been seen that with the number of reported cases of the global pandemic, the US has overtaken China and Italy.


The United States has not the highest number of reported cases of coronavirus with 83,553 infected patients and 1,205 deaths.

Source: DailyMail

It comes after the deadliest day in the US history where 223 people died in a single day since the beginning of the outbreak. The recent data has been released by the New York Times that is keeping track of the reported cases and deaths. The NYT reported, “On Thursday, the number of cases in the U.S. was 81,578.”


New York on Thursday reported 100 deaths from coronavirus in just 24 hours, taking the overall state count to 385, as the number of deadly cases throughout the United States rose to 1,205.

New York City has reported 281 fatalities, and 21,873 infections and the number is expected to skyrocket this weekend.

Source: DailyMail

This comes after the World Health Organization forecasted a bleak future for the US, warning the nation will soon become the coronavirus pandemic’s global epicenter due to the ‘ extremely significant escalation ‘ in reported infections.


Louisiana is now being considered as the next potential US epidemic epicenter after infections grew by 30 percent in just 24 hours. On Thursday, the officials of Louisiana reported 2,305 infections and 83 deaths. The New Orleans Mardi Gras festivities have been considered as responsible for the outbreak there.

Source: DailyMail

Another research found that the epidemic could contribute to more than 80,000 deaths in the US over the next four months and to cripple hospital resources nationwide by early April, even though social distancing steps are taken seriously.


On the other hand, after seeing the humongous numbers of infected patients, President Trump said these high numbers in the U.S. were “a tribute to the testing” that the country is doing.

Source: DailyMail

With more than 8,000 deaths, Italy is now the worst affected nation while China, where the pandemic started, has reported more than 3,000 fatalities.


The amount of infected people with coronavirus has now reached half a million around the world.