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MAJOR Breakthrough For US & Iran As Both Nations Agree To Resume Nuclear Talks In Vienna

The US and Iran are making positive head waves as both nations recently agreed to resume nuclear talks in Vienna next week.


According to media reports, President Biden is keen on making a deal that former US President Donald Trump had backed out from in 2018, after terming it as the worst possible decision of all time. In addition, Trump placed sanctions on Iran, putting both nations in an uncomfortable position.


Trump also reportedly did everything in his power to generate a maximum pressure campaign too. In response to the behavior of the US, Tehran opted to boost its enrichment activities.

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Source: Getty Images

President Biden appears to be staying true to his promise as he made the decision to rejoin the deal as a part of his agenda, putting it as a top priority whenever he entered into office.point 423 |


And now, both Washington and Tehran seem to be on the same page, with many critics referring to the decision as a breakthrough that not too many people saw coming.point 134 | 1

The breakthrough talks about nuclear power will take place next week in Vienna, despite both the nations being at extreme odds for so many years. Moreover, diplomats from both sides explain how the main objective here will revolve around reaching a sound agreement within a span of just two months.

Source: Yahoo News

However, inside sources went on to reveal how both the countries do not plan on engaging in a round of direct talks this time.


This particular deal was first initiated during the reign of President Barack Obama where his administration, the permanent UN Security Council, and the Europeans sat down together for a meeting.

Source: Yahoo News

Without a doubt, the decision is being looked upon as the start of a positive beginning for the Biden administration in a bid to restore the nuclear agreement that was abandoned by Trump in the past.