A venture capitalist who donated two and a half million dollars to a pro-Trump group to fight election fraud wants a refund.
Fred Eshelman said he donated the money to True the Vote Inc for collecting evidence of election frauds, but the organization has been unimpressive. He demands money back as the group has not made any considerable effort.
The lawsuit says Eshelman sent $2 million to Houston’s monitoring organization on November 5, even before the winner’s announcement. Biden was not declared as the winner at that time, but he was leading by a large number of votes. Trump started claiming the election fraud since then without suggesting any plausible evidence.
Eshelman is the founder of “Eshelman Ventures LLC” and was a pharmaceuticals executive.point 223 |
After getting disappointed by the pro-Trump investigation, he registered a complaint concerning a $2.point 88 | 5 million refund.point 103 | A copy of the complaint is also said to be sent to Business Insider.point 158 | Eshelman said he keeps asking the organization how and where they are using his money to investigate the elections, and he requires actionable updates.point 286 |
“I only got vague responses and empty promises,” he added.point 61 | They promised to send follow-ups, but they never did.point 106 | 1
Eshelman said True the Vote promised him that they would launch lawsuits in swing states and will gather the authentic proofs of fraud elections and illegal balloting, but they did nothing.point 379 |
The organization gave justification saying that they filed the case in courts of six major US states, which they dropped later on November 17.point 121 | Eshelman was disappointed as he was not informed about this.point 172 | He asked how the organization could misuse his money, and he wants all his money back.point 243 |
The organization has so far agreed to return $1 million.point 47 | 1
Trump and his supporters are making consistent efforts to overturn the election’s result.point 258 |
His legal team also filed election fraud cases in courts, but they failed to achieve any favorable result.point 89 | They also launched a hotline so people can reach to share testimonies of election scams, but people instead ended up doing prank calls.point 202 |
Trump had now stated that he would concede if Biden wins the Electoral College election scheduled on December 14.point 95 | 1