Categories: Lifenews

Donald Trump & Wife Melania Launch Official Post-Presidency Website With Vows To ‘Remain A Tireless Champion’

Former US President Donald Trump and his wife, Melania Trump, have officially launched their new website.


The couple announced the shocking stance with vows to remain as an undefeated and tireless champion for the American nation. Moreover, the former commander in chief also spoke about his great plans to return to public life too.

The website, 45office.com, will now reportedly allow Americans to schedule out requests, submit correspondence while putting forward press inquires too. Moreover, the couple made the startling claims in a joint statement that was made public by Monday evening.

Source: 45office.com

In the same way, the couple talked about how they remain continually strengthened from the enduring spirit possessed by the American people. And therefore, they are looking forward to staying in touch with those that mean most- Americans.


On the other hand, the couple detailed how the new website will not serve as a productive means of reaching office, but will also hail the ex-president’s great achievements during his time in office.

The statement mentioned, “the website will strive to educate, inform, as well as inspire Americans that arise from different walks of life, as the couple seeks to create a truly great future for America”.

Source: New York Post

Through this new office, Donald Trump also vowed to remain as the tireless champion that he is for the countless hardworking men and women of this great American country, it added.


The 45th president of the US has been quite busy lately, as reported by inside sources, in terms of plotting and planning his grand comeback into the world of politics, ever since he left the White House. Moreover, he has been staying low-key about setting up his new office at the Mar-a-Lago resort, where he remains in talks to begin his very own social media platform.

Source: The Hill

Through this new network, Trump plans to reconnect with all of his supporters as well as the press all over again, since he was banned from almost all social media platforms, due to the violent Capitol riots that rocked the nation on January 6th.