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Senate Leader Gives Republican Senators Permission To Find Trump Guilty In Impeachment

Senate’s majority leader Mitch McConnell gave Republican senators the permission to find President Trump guilty in impeachment.


Montana’s representative added how the Majority leader explained to him how impeachment will solely be a vote of conscience. In the same way, he added how Mitch McConnell didn’t even make up his own mind regarding the incident. Hence, he still has no clue on which direction he might vote on.


Other news outlets talked about how the Majority Leader will not move forward with any emergency steps. Therefore, the trial most likely won’t start until Trump leaves the President’s office. “There will be no added pressure that allows Republican senators to vote guilty,” he mentioned.


It is clear that the Senate’s own head is still hesitant to move forward with his vote. He is showing indecisive behavior when it comes to making a final decision. Other reports showed how furious he was on the entire scenario related to the violent Capitol siege. Truly, it enraged him with fury how MAGA rioters ransacked the US capital.

Source: MSN.com

Meanwhile, Montana’s representative explained how McConnell is and has always been very respectful in terms of his members in this regard. Therefore, this case was certainly not an exception to the norm.


On the other hand, the House leaders also called the impeachment vote a ‘vote of conscience.’And that was when a total of 10 Republicans joined hands with Democrats to vote for President Trump’s impeachment.

Source: EPA

In the case of the Senate, the Democrats require at least 17, and maybe 18 Republicans to convict the President. One close source explained how President Trump’s conviction may actually mean he doesn’t run for office again. However, it doesn’t have to mean that he gives up the process without a major fight.

Source: Vanity Fair

Currently, the base camp of the Republicans is mostly pro-Trump. Moreover, many senators who have upcoming elections ahead in the following years would surely be worried about getting primaried by some Trump loyalists, in case they voted for Trump’s conviction.