Categories: Lifenews

Supreme Court ‘Kicks Out’ Donald Trump’s Fraudulent Election Claims

The US Supreme court boldly declared that it would no longer hear about any cases relating to Trump’s final election claims.


According to leading news reports, the court made it very clear that it was no longer interested in the 2020 US Elections and the claims made by former US President Donald Trump. This was in particular reference to Trump’s great challenges to the outcome of the election.

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Source: BloombergQuint

In the same way, local news outlets spoke about how the justices were also not keen on hearing out a certain case that related to challenging Pennsylvania’s decision about an extended deadline for receiving ballots during the elections.point 326 |


Likewise, judges also turned away a certain case from Georgia that was brought forward by one of Trump’s closest allies, Lin Wood.point 115 | This related to the over mail-in guidelines and requirements.point 168 | 1

And just like that, the US Supreme Court rejected all of Donald Trump’s lawsuit claims that went against current US president Joe Biden. This pertained to the counting of all of Wisconsin’s absentee ballots.

Source: DW

For the Pennsylvania case, the judges turned down their appeals in regards to the Republicans ordering away certain officials to carry out counting of mail-in ballots that were actually postmarked by the Election day and were hence received around 3 days later.


Without any doubt, the decision was yet another major blow to Donald Trump and all of his legal challenges that related to the November contest, Moreover, the former US president actually made zero legal traction in his efforts to overturn the US elections.

Source: US News and World Report

Time and time again, the Supreme Court continuously refuses to get itself involved in any of these types of cases.


Both before the US elections and after the elections, Trump and his closest supporters tried their level best to make the Supreme Court take notice and throw out the 3-day extension over counting of the election ballots. But now, it appears that all of that is history and done and dusted for good.