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Millenial TikTokers Are Lambasted Online After Faking A Marriage Proposal To Get Free Drinks

1 46.jpg?fit=1024%2C577&ssl=1&strip=all - Millenial TikTokers Are Lambasted Online After Faking A Marriage Proposal To Get Free Drinks

Netizens ridiculed a TikTok video of two people faking a marriage proposal in a bar to get free drinks.


Earlier this year, TikToker Shelbi garnered millions of views after posting the video on the platform, which she captioned as ‘your sign to have a fake proposal with a random guy you meet at the bar’.


The video shows two people standing by the bar before the man gets down on one knee. Other people at the venue are quick to assume that it is a marriage proposal, and everyone celebrates the moment by clapping and cheering.


While the scene was romantic, the captions on the video explained that the ‘newly-engaged couple’ actually didn’t know each other at all.


Shelbi explained through video captions that the man in the video was someone she and her female friend met at ‘Texas Live’ the previous night and that together they came up with a ‘fake proposal’ plan.


“People we didn’t even know got so hype about it and made it so fun,” the caption reads.


The camera showed people smiling and raising their arms in the air, and even the bar staff joined in on the celebration as they gave out free drinks.


The video then showed a group of people raising their glasses to toast the occasion, and the TikTok caption reads that they ‘got free drinks for the rest of the night’.


While Shelbi’s plan thinks it was an excellent one, some other social media users were not impressed.


Shelbi’s TikTok video made its way to Reddit’s ‘Trashy’ forum, indicating the poster’s disapproval for the fake proposal plan, while another commenter noted that the bar staff in the video likely wouldn’t be too happy if they knew that they had been played.


“Smart yes, trashy maybe,” one commenter said.

“Not trashy,” another one has said. “People do this all the time to get free drinks and food.”