Categories: Lifenews

Third Nurse Died After Treating Coronavirus Patients Without Any Protective Gear

ggag.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Third Nurse Died After Treating Coronavirus Patients Without Any Protective Gear

While treating patients with deadly infection, the third brave nurse dies: British medic, 23, collapses and dies at home after a stressful 12-hour shift when his mother reveals that he did not wear the right protective clothing at work.


His mum, 50-year-old Gina Gustilo, that her son had not worn the right security clothes at work. He came back home after a night shift on Friday, after whining throughout the night about having a headache and high temperature.

John Alagos, a London nurse of 27 who treated covid-19 patients, fell ill at work but was not allowed to go home due to staffing shortages
Source: Daily mail

Mrs Gustilo said she had advised her son, to take some paracetamol before going to bed.


She told the press: “I have seen him turning blue in his bed.”

Mrs Gustilo called the ambulance services urgently but paramedics did not resuscitate him.

John was at Watford General Hospital handling coronavirus patients who reported a “serious event” and shut down their A&E service following a problem with their oxygen supplies.


The “serious accident” has resolved as of Saturday night and patients will attend Watford General as scheduled.

Ms Gustilo informed that her son had no existing medical problems.

Source: Daily mail

Tracey Carter, Watford General Hospital’s chief nurse, informed, “Our employees are thoroughly briefed on the effects of COVID-19 and we will never expect someone to stop at work if they had such signs or were unwell in any way.

Source: Daily mail

“We have always kept our staff updated on the new PPE guidelines to make sure they have the right standard of security for where they are working. John was extremely famous and will be missed tremendously by his colleagues. We can not elaborate more on the cause of death at this time.”


Two other nurses died last week from coronavirus, which was thought to have been contracted by patients.

Areema Nasreen, a mother of three who did not have any medical problems, expired in critical condition at Walsall Manor Hospital, where she had been working for 16 years.

Source: BMP media

Another nurse died at Queen Elizabeth’s Queen Mother Hospital in Margate, Kent where she worked, 39-year-old Aimee O’Rourke, was also a mother of three.

Source: BMP

The death rate in the UK has risen over the last 24 hours by 708 to 4,353, the deadliest day ever in the UK.

A five-year-old boy, with an underlying health problem, has been the youngest patient of coronavirus in Britain.