The Texas House has recently passed the Fetal ‘Heartbeat Bill’ that will aim to ban abortions after a timespan of just six weeks.
On Thursday, local media reports confirmed how the bill serves to ban all abortions taking place after the designated six-week timeframe. Moreover, the bill has recently been slammed by plenty because that period is way before many women even realize that they are pregnant.

The new bill would include provisions enabling citizens of the state to also take part in legal proceedings against medical personnel like doctors, nurses, or any other individual that’s linked to the abortion. In the same way, the lawsuits could allow individuals to seek high financial damages that go up to $10,000, confirmed reports.
Texas’s Republican Governor Gret Abbott will soon be signing the bill into law. On the other hand, Federal Courts have recently announced the blockage of most of the heartbeat bills in a dozen ‘red’ states but no news regarding Texas is yet to be heard.

The state’s Senate vote shocked plenty of citizens around the country as they feared that such a law being implemented was not in the best interest of the nation. Therefore, many predict that the news is most likely to draw a quick legal proceeding from countless groups relating to abortion rights.
For those who aren’t aware, the fetal heartbeat bill bans abortions after medical experts detect the embryo’s ‘heartbeat’.point 238 |
Moreover, some forms of advanced technology are able to go about detecting the first electrical signal-based flutter that starts as early as six weeks into a single pregnancy.point 148 | That is major news as during that period, the embryo is still in the developing phase and has not developed into a fetus yet, hence does not have a heart too.point 276 | 1
Medical experts revealed how embryos are referred to as fetuses when the 11th week of pregnancy begins.