A Trader’s Joe customer in Texas filmed himself as he accuse the grocery chain of violating state law after staff denied him entry for refusing to wear a mask.
The video has since become viral on social media, where the unnamed anti-masker is dubbed as a male “Karen”.
“You’re violating the law,” he said.
“You’re harassing me and discriminating against me because of my disability.”

“I have a civil right to shop in places that are open to the public,” he asserted on the video.
The man claimed that he was exempt from wearing a mask due to a medical condition, citing the Americans with Disability Acts.
“I don’t get this anywhere else I go in Texas,” he said.
“And it is reprehensible behavior to make a child feel they should be wearing a mask when there’s nothing wrong with them.”
“Would you turn someone away from their race or religion, or their beliefs, or anything else like that?” he continued.
The man forced his way into the Trader’s Joe as he teaches his kids to “always stand for the truth”.
“You’re doing nothing wrong,” he told his children.
One of the employees of Trader’s Joe approached him in the produce section, but he dismissed the worker and told him how “ridiculous” it is for him to do “this in front of my children.”
“I am so offended right now,” he said.
The man continues his rant as he picks up cucumbers and maple syrup before heading to the checkout aisle.
“Newsflash for everyone, nobody’s vote counts anymore,” he asked the people around him.
“So are we all going to stand together or not? Everybody wants two weeks to flatten the curve? Now we’re gonna take COVID swabs in our butts?”
Texas Governor Greg Abbott has lifted the mandatory mask mandate in the state, but businesses are still allowed to put their own COVID-19 safety rules into place.