Categories: Lifenews

Teen Wakes Up From 11-Month Coma With No Knowledge Of COVID-19 Pandemic

A teenager from the United Kingdom has recently woken up from an 11-month long coma without any knowledge of the pandemic.


Doctors mentioned how the teen woke up from the extremely long duration coma after he suffered a major car accident. In addition, they talked about how the teen received grave injuries when a car hit him, knocking him to the ground. Joseph Flavill was walking home in Tutbury in Staffordshire when the incident took place in March last year. This was just 21 days before the UK’s first countrywide lockdown began.

Source: Sky News

Identified as a 19-year-old student of A levels who spent 11 long months in a coma, he was absolutely unaware of the pandemic and what impact COVID-19 had over the planet earth.


Thankfully, the teen is starting to show great signs of recovery while communicating with eye blinks as well as smiles. In the same way, doctors noted him moving his limbs too on cue. However, Joesph Flavill’s parents and other loved ones are yet to meet him, all due to the strict COVID-19 restrictions in place.

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Source: La Razon

In the same way, it’s very difficult for them to judge whether or not he understands the severity of the situation around him.point 224 |


And that’s when his aunt mentioned how this is the best they’ve ever seen him in recent times.point 89 | To some, it might seem a little bit of progress.point 128 | But loved ones talked about how Joseph is doing so well that he gives his nurses high-fives too.point 207 |


And that is a huge step in the right direction.point 38 | 1

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Source: The South African

The greatest impact of his condition was on his mom, who is yet to see her son improve.point 230 |


The family is concerned about how much Joseph actually recalls from before the accident.point 75 | They claim that he has slept through the entire pandemic.point 123 | “How do you explain something like a pandemic to someone that has just woken up from a coma,” they question.point 224 | 1


Joseph’s brain injury was very much of the unknown. Hence, doctors fail to describe in detail what to expect from the teen now. However, they are very hopeful about his recovery and the progress he has made so far.


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