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Mother Was Outraged After Teacher Confiscated Sweets From Her Autistic Son’s Lunchbox

A mother seriously was upset when she found out that the teacher of her autistic son confiscates her son’s sweets every day.


The teacher even sent the three months’ worth of confiscated sweets to their house, proving a point that the mother gives too many sweets to her autistic son.

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The unidentified mom would put some lollipops on her son’s packed lunch as a treat along with plenty of fruits and sandwiches.


Just recently, she brought up the upsetting incident to a Facebook page named Lunchbox Moms saying that even though she was new to making packed lunch, she thought that she was sending her son to school with a balanced diet.

Her son’s daily lunchbox includes a ham and cheese sandwich on wholemeal bread, a yogurt, a Freddo and the lolly, a selection of fruits, and a mousse.

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“My son has autism with a few sensory issues, he also has enlarged tonsils which can make swallowing some foods a little more difficult,” she wrote.point 262 |


“When my son came home with an empty lunch box last week I reached a sense of relief – I had finally been able to find a lunch that was balanced and he was eating.point 137 | point 140 | 1

Courtesy of Katerina Holmes

“I don’t get the option of changing it up regularly as this triggers him and he won’t eat anything.”


The mom then explained that things have changed when the school sent home a hoard of lollies with “no explanation”.

“I understand sugar content is quite high but is one lolly every second day really that bad?” she wrote. “Please be honest, am I setting him up to fail by letting him have them, or am I teaching him that all foods are okay but in moderation.”

Courtesy of dailyentertain.com

“Just feeling flat and lost what I can send to school with my son as a ‘treat’ for motivation to get him to eat his lunch,” she added.


Some of the mothers in the group stood up to defend her choice of lunch that she prepares every day for her son.

“How dare they even touch your son’s lunch, I’d be going into the school and telling them what’s for,” one mother commented.

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“That’s so rude,” another mother agreed. “Personally, I don’t think anyone has a right to touch our kid’s lunches, not their children.”


“I’m so sick of schools that dictate “what is best” YOU as a mother know your own child,” another one said.

“Tell the school to mind their own business, I’m a mother of a son with Autism and the school needs to understand that you are doing this for a reason,” a user has commented.