Categories: Lifenews

7 Students Fall To Death With Dozens Injured As University Balcony Collapses

sdfsdfsdfsdfs.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - 7 Students Fall To Death With Dozens Injured As University Balcony Collapses

Harrowing video footage shows the tragic moment when a balcony’s railing collapsed at a Bolivian University.


As a result of the tragic incident, the heartbreaking visuals showed hundreds of students thronging the fourth-floor balcony of the university, as they plummeted to their deaths. And that was right after the railing gave way for the mass destruction.


Local news outlets confirmed how at least 7 students died in the tragedy and many others were deemed injured. The incident reportedly took place in the famous city of El Alto, which is the country’s second-largest city.

Source: Al Jazeera

The accident happened as dozens of students crammed into one area of the balcony, just so they could attend a lecture hall where an assembly was taking place on Tuesday.


The disturbing visuals from the video footage were captured by one by-stander, just a moment before the turmoil occurred. Here, the graphic and daunting video captured students jostling away with some even leaning against the balcony’s railing. Due to the massive pressure from the crowd, the balcony’s railing collapsed with many students coming crashing down to the ground.

Source: World Stock Market

You can ever hear bodies slamming down to the concrete floor as a few get pulled up by survivors standing at the balcony.


Instantly, an aura of fear and panic grips the air with chaos striking in all directions. One student wearing a blue jacket gets saved by her fellow group of students, as she dangles in an upside-down position. Her colleagues attempt to save her by grabbing a hold of her shoes, just so they could rescue her.

Source: The Independent

While the authorities are currently carrying out an investigation into the matter, many loved ones are enraged with fury as to how and why so many students were allowed to gather in one place. The cause of death for the students who died was identified by officials as ‘multiple defenestration trauma.’