Categories: Lifenews

Primary School BANS ‘S*xist’ Phrases Like ‘Man Up’ & ‘Good Morning Boys & Girls’ As Headteacher Says It’s Damaging

jkjkjk.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Primary School BANS 'S*xist' Phrases Like 'Man Up' & 'Good Morning Boys & Girls' As Headteacher Says It's Damaging

Fury erupted in Birmingham recently after a school’s headteacher was accused of brainwashing young children and creating a generation of wallflowers.


According to local media outlets, Sarah Hewitt Clarkson is the head of the Anderton Park Primary School, which is situated in Moseley in Birmingham. She recently came under the radar after she banned the teachers of her school from using terms such as ‘man up’, ‘boys and girls, ‘grow a pair of’, and so on and so forth.

Source: Daily Mail

Moreover, reports confirmed how students that were as young as three years old were taught to carry posters that flagged the ‘sexist’ terms. But now, parents claim that they have had enough of the ordeal and are raising their voice on the incident.


The teacher was also called out by critics when reports were leaked regarding how the students would be rewarded with certificates for finding the best examples for the terms. With many calling it an absolutely ridiculous scheme, by all means, it has been facing backlash from both critics as well as parents.

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Source: PA

One broadcaster for a local British channel mentioned recently how she would be very worried if her kids went to a school like that or a woman like Sarah Hewitt taught her kids too.point 257 |


“What I think is going on here is that we’re actually creating a brainwashed generation of wallflowers who are actually tuning in for an offense,” she added.point 149 | 1

Another male teacher from a separate school slammed the school’s recent scheme claiming how this is all about adults who have anxieties relating to the terms themselves and hence are now forcing young kids to carry the burden on their tiny shoulders.

Source: PA

“By trying to fix a kid’s language at such a young age, you are actually limiting as well as restraining them with severe anxiety and burden that they simply don’t need,” he explained.