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Pensioner Is Left Broke And Alone Without Young Egyptian Lover

1 27.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Pensioner Is Left Broke And Alone Without Young Egyptian Lover

81-year-old grandmother, who made news earlier this year when she discussed the details of her very graphic sex life with her Egyptian toy boy, says she feels “skint and alone” after returning to UK without her lover.


Somerset native Iris Jones flew to Egypt to be with 36-year-old Mohamed Ahmed Ibriham after meeting him on Facebook last year, and the two tied the knot in November.

Source: Facebook

Due to the conditions in the country, Jones has since spent weeks apart from him, as he remains in his homeland, unable to secure a spousal visa.


“I get days when I’m alright and other days when I’m just crying all the time,” the pensioner shared.

Source: Facebook

“I’m separated from someone I love, it’s so hard. I haven’t got time on my side, his lawyers know that.”


Jones admitted that the three trips she made to Egypt had been very expensive, and that the environment in Egypt is ill-suited to her health.

Source: Facebook

“I’ve had to go over there three times and come back without him,” she added.


“I keep on at Mohamed to get his law firm to hurry up with the visa, I don’t know what the delay is, but it is complicated.”

She is relying on her husband to join her in her Somerset bungalow as she won’t be able to return to Egypt for the fourth time.

Source: Facebook

“I’m going to the doctor to get a letter saying I’ve got so many health issues I need my husband with me in Britain, hoping they’ll bend the rules a bit and let him come over and look after me,” Jones said.


Jones’ sons, Steve, 54 and Darren, 53, have expressed concerns over the relationship, but their mother assures them that her new husband is not after her money or a British passport – and their love for one another is real.