Oakland has announced has some great financial assistance plans for low-income families of color recently.
According to local media outlets, these families will now receive extra financial assistance in the form of $500 a month, without any strings attached. The plan is set to entail a period of a year and a half, as confirmed experts.
The decision was announced by Oakland’s mayor, Libby Schaaf. She mentioned this week how the city plans on launching the guaranteed financial project that will serve as a wonderful means of giving hundreds of Black as well as Indigenous families $500 per month, for the next 18 months.
Moreover, she also spoke about how the project’s payments will also be on an unconditional basis, where the recipients may choose to spend the income in whatever means that they find suitable and convenient for them.
This new Oakland Resilient Families program is definitely the latest trial for the ‘guaranteed income’ project of wealth distribution. Here, is where residents will be given a fixed set amount of cash per month to support their existing social safety network.
Authorities in charge confirmed how the project will target several groups within the city’s greatest wealth disparities, keeping in mind the Oakland Equality Index. This reveals that the median income for common White households in the city of Oakland is nearly 3 times that of those seen in Black households.
The city’s mayor went on to add how the poverty that is witnessed by many in the city today is not a result of personal failure.point 220 |
Instead, it is the entire system’s failure, she added.point 52 | For this reason, the authorities in charge plan on bringing about a major and proactive change in terms of guaranteed income.point 157 | And this they believe will be a promising tool for the change we all wish to see in the system, alongside racial equity as well as economic mobility.point 279 | 1