New York City mayor Bill de Blasio, after a heated argument with President Trump over Twitter, has finally participated in painting the Black Lives Matter mural in front of the Trump Tower today.
Disliking the idea, President Trump had taken it to Twitter to express his sentiments on the announcement of painting walls and streets with the Black Lives Matter slogan. On July 1, he referred to it as a ‘symbol of hate’ and said that the money spent on making the mural should be given to improve the NYPD.

On the contrary, the mayor believes that the city is not only painting these words on Fifth avenue but it is also committed to the meaning of the message. He was pictured helping the people in painting alongside Rev. Al Sharpton and NYC’s first lady Chirlane McCray.

Denying the accusation of denigrating the luxury of the fifth avenue, he clarified that the city is not denigrating anything, rather it is liberating the fifth avenue. He also said, ‘let us show Donald Trump what he does not understand. Let us paint it right in front of his building for him’.
The mayor called all the activists to paint the city’s streets and walls with the ‘’Black Lives Matter’ slogan and the work has already begun. The announcement came after the death of George Floyd, a black man who was murdered by a white cop as he took a knee for 8-minutes suffocating him to death.
Floyd’s death has since been the fundamental motive behind all the recent BLM protests worldwide where thousands of demonstrators come together to demand justice against the systemic and everyday racism the people of color go through in America.
The painting of the city’s walls and streets took place the same day as the Supreme Court ordered his accountant to provide President Trump’s tax returns which are a great blow to him.