Categories: Lifenews

Mum Jailed As 5-Month-Old Baby DROWNS After She Left Him Alone In Bath To Text

A 27-year-old mother has been jailed after she left her 5-month-old son alone in a bath, just so she could text her friend on WhatsApp.


According to local media reports, the mother left her little baby for nearly 4 minutes to make a phone call and use the social media texting platform to communicate with her friend.

Her absolutely reckless and careless behavior resulted in the death of her little child. Recently, her case’s verdict was announced, where the mom was termed guilty of the crime and awarded a punishment of 22 months in prison.

Source: BBC

Simone Perry left little Renzo Lake alone in the bathtub in the year 2019, just to speak to her friend, confirmed the media. On that note, the young baby slipped off of his baby seat and then plunged into the bathtub and instantly drowned.


The mum pleaded guilty to negligence and manslaughter by the jurors last month.

Moreover, investigators confirmed how the incident took place at her own home’s bathroom which is located in Northhamptonshire. The mum tried to defend her criminal behavior by stating how she assumed he would be safe.

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Source: The Mirror

But to her surprise, she saw her little child underwater.point 164 | Fearing for the worse, the mum was so confused about what to do.point 216 |


Hence, she opted to immediately call 911 rescue services for help.point 56 | Paramedics rushed to the scene immediately and tried to resuscitate the child.point 123 | Unfortunately, they failed to do so because he had tragically passed away.point 186 | 1

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Source: The Sun

The Crown court in Northhampton heard the mum’s side of the story.point 360 |


She admitted to leaving her baby alone for four whole minutes, assuming that nothing would go wrong.point 84 | Unfortunately, that was not the case.point 116 | At the start of the trial, the mum denied using the phone.point 163 | However, towards the end, she opted to come clean about her gruesome behavior.point 229 | 1