Categories: Lifenews

Maryland Hospital Worker Charged With Sexually Assaulting An Unconscious Patient

In April, Maryland police received a call of a patient in Maryland Shore Medical Center for reporting she had lost her wallet full of money during a procedure.


The Easton police visited the hospital to help her retrieve her money back.

Upon investigation, the cops interrogated Travis K. Brooks, a 35 years old hospital worker, who was a main suspect in the case, only to find out he had sexually assaulted an unconscious adult patient previously. 

Source: New York Post

The detectives used multiple search warrants to investigate the matter thoroughly as it had gotten serious. The police officers assisted them with the information they had. 


It was found out that Travis had been taking pictures of patients’ credit cards in his phone and while looking at these pictures, the officer found out he had filmed assaulting a patient sexually in December, 2019. Brooks still had this video saved in his cell phone. 


Brooks has a previous record of breaking the law in so many ways. He has also been charged in a case of mishandling the drugs and stealing money on multiple occasions. 

Source: DailyMail

In a separate case, he is charged with sex assault and the hearing is going to take place on Wednesday. Travis has a very disturbing long record of committing crimes. 


He is now charged with second degree rape, third and fourth degree sex offense and second degree assault for abusing a vulnerable old patient. 

It is yet not sure if the criminal has an attorney to speak on his behalf or not. The Maryland law is going to begin the case soon however and the culprit will most likely see the bars for committing such heinous crimes. 


With this news going viral, the people of Maryland are both outrageous and horrified.