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Man Admits To Killing His Own Girlfriend, Mother And Stepfather With A 6-Inch Knife

1 36.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Man Admits To Killing His Own Girlfriend, Mother And Stepfather With A 6-Inch Knife

WARNING: Content might be too graphic for some readers.


Dustin Duthie, 27, pleaded guilty to two counts of second-degree murder in the deaths of his girlfriend, Taylor Toller, and mother, Shawn Boshuck, and one count of first-degree murder for the planned killing of his stepfather, Alan Pennylegion.

From left – Taylor Toller Facebook page/Shawn Boshuck’s Facebook page/Supplied

According to the files in Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench, Duthie slit his girlfriend’s throat and tucked her in the bed as if she was sleeping, and fatally stabbed his mother and stepfather after a week of his partner’s murder.


Toller, 25, was murdered in her apartment in the southeast Calgary neighborhood of Applewood Park. While his parents Boschuk and Pennylegion were killed a week later at their home in Calgary’s northwest. Duthie lived in their basement.

CTV News

Duthie and Toller had been together for five years.

In a statement released by Toller’s family, they expressed their grief and condemned domestic violence.


“We loved Taylor very much,” the family said in a statement. “The opportunity to see her grow and thrive was taken from her family, and we are heartbroken.” 

“Domestic violence is insidious, and it can happen to anyone,” the statement reads. “If you have a friend or loved one at risk, know that it can take many attempts to leave, and the most dangerous time can be after that decision is made.”

CTV News3

The day before Boschuk and her husband was killed, she messaged Toller’s grandmother and expressed her concern about how her Duthie would react to the police asking him questions about his girlfriend’s disappearance.


Duthie stabbed his mother six times by the back door of her home and then dragged her across the room and covered the dead body with a plastic sheet.

According to the police, her husband Pennylegion had gotten out of bed to find Duthie cleaning up blood in the kitchen, it was then he was attacked.


Duthie repeatedly stabbed Pennylegion and dragged him into the main floor bathroom with his dog, Odie, which he also killed.

CTV News

The file reads that Duthie had threatened violence against his stepfather over the years, and the two had a tense relationship.


Duthie called 911 just before 11 AM and confessed to the murders, that’s when police discovered the three dead bodies in the two houses. Toller was found in her bed.

Security footage from Toller’s apartment building gathered as part of the investigation shows Toller and Duthie together the day before and the morning of her death. 


In the footage, the couple was seen coming and going from Toller’s Applewood Park apartment, at times holding hands. Just after midnight, Duthie pulled a knife on Toller and took her cellphone away. Toller can be seen crying in the video.

Court Exhibit

Between midnight and 4 a.m., they were seen coming and going from the condo four times. 

At 5:14 a.m, Duthie left the apartment alone, carrying a black bag and pulling a “bed in a box” and locked the door behind him. 


Police authorities eventually found a blood-stained towel in the “bed in a box” in the trunk of Duthie’s car.

Courtesy of Julie Debeljak/CBC

Boschuk’s last communication with anyone was a text message sent to a friend at 5:53 a.m. 


Duthie killed his mother and stepfather sometime between 6 a.m. and 10:40 a.m. when he stopped to buy alcohol near Toller’s apartment. At 10:50 a.m., Duthie called 911 and admitted to all three murders. When the police arrived, it became clear Duthie was contemplating “suicide by cop.” 


Duthie was taken into custody about 30 minutes after the police arrived.

Police seized a six-inch knife with white hockey tape on the handle in Duthie’s black satchel and was covered in Pennylegion’s blood.