Philadelphia saw another night of aggression and agitation in the wake of George Floyd’s murder by a white police officer who took a knee on Floyd’s neck which suffocated him to death.
This crude incident provoked vengeance in public, especially among Black people, as a series of disturbing and vengeful incidents arose in the entire country. Taking advantage of the vulnerable situation, some people started looting businesses and vandalizing commercial and public property.

Just the same night as David Dorn was murdered in Saint Louis trying to save his friend’s pawn shop from getting botched by the protestors and looters’ hands, a lot of ATM machines were bungled in Philadelphia too.
A sad and tragic state of affair happened alongside the robbery and theft cases as a 24-year old young boy lost his life at 6:15 AM trying to explode an ATM machine placed on a sidewalk right outside a sports bar near Susquehanna Avenue.

The boy, whose name is not yet announced by the police, attached an explosive to the ATM which threw him far away with a powerful jerk traumatizing the upper half of his body. The boy was immediately taken to the nearby hospital where he lost the battle of his life only in a couple of hours.
The police department’s bomb squad and FBI have witnessed evidence of live explosives at the place of incident. According to them, no harm has been made to the ATM machine. The Philadelphia police department gave its statement on the matter calling it an organized and coordinated effort as one person alone cannot do this.
A lot of people throughout the entire city reported explosives amidst the protests and riots. While talking about the incident, the neighbors at Susquehanna Avenue said they heard the explosive sounds pretty much throughout the whole night and they believe it was not fireworks.