The mega explosion in Beirut tore the city apart yesterday, killing around 135 dead and over 5000 seriously injured.
While people are mourning their dead ones, a lot of citizens are reporting their missing relatives. Rescue teams are searching tirelessly for people buried under the rubble and between debris.

A miraculous moment took place as a little girl was found alive in the rubble who is believed to be buried for 24-hours.point 379 |
The girl’s head was poking out from a collapsed building surrounded by piles of wreckage.point 77 | The rescue mission’s footage was recorded and shared on social media, which went viral within minutes.point 166 | People are calling it a big miracle and incredible moment amidst the shattering hope.point 238 |
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The massive blast had 2700 tonnes of ammonium nitrate, which created chaos in the city as the officials call it a ‘disaster city’. The explosives were stored in a warehouse near the port area for almost six years. The biggest port of the hub for the collapsing economics for the country is that the city is also destroyed badly.
A lot of people have been gathering around the wrecked buildings in search of the missing people. As a crowd alongside rescue workers also found a man alive from the rubble of an apartment building, people started shouting, “Issam is alive.”
The wounded man was taken on a stretcher to a hospital where he is receiving the necessary treatment. The hospitals of Beirut are on the brink of collapsing owing to the overload; hence the government is working with the Red Cross to set up morgues.
The citizens of Beirut are still reporting their missing loved ones, and the concerned authorities and volunteers are on a frantic hunt for them. Since the blast happened in rush hour, the casualties are assumed to be high in number with those around the port area most affected by this nuclear-like explosion.