Categories: Lifenews

Veteran Journalist ‘Accidentally’ Calls President-Elect Joe Biden As ‘Joebama’

One of CNN’s renowned veteran journalists and reporters referred to the new President-elect, Joe Biden, as ‘Joebama.


Whether it was a Freudian slip or a deliberate mistake, only time can tell. However, one thing is for sure, some might be feeling as if the whole Joe Biden era is starting to feel a little old.

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Source: The Economic Times

Media sources were quick at pointing out the hilarious incident, that took place on the CNN news channel recently.point 382 |


Here, the famous CNN reporter mistakenly called the new President-elect as ‘Joebama.point 79 | ’ And it was all during a live shot interview, on Tuesday.point 132 | Moreover, if you’re wondering where the term arises from, in the first place, well, it’s quite simple.point 230 | 1

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Source: CNN.point 111 | com

He combined his name with that of ex-President, Barrack Obama.point 167 | Yes, the same man that served as the nation’s vice president.point 224 |


In the same way, he is also the same candidate for who Joe Biden served as vice president.point 73 | Did we mention how most of Biden’s new administration includes plenty of similar faces from Obama’s cabinet picks as well as staff.point 195 | What a strange coincidence?point 219 | 1

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Source: New York Post

The camera’s lens caught the hilarious incident which the reporter acknowledged and corrected on the air himself.point 221 |


The incident took place as the reported said: ‘President-elect Joebama- uh, Joe Biden, rather- did finish speaking here, just moments ago.point 124 | ’ Jeff Zeleny clearly recognized his mistake immediately, correcting himself at that moment in time.point 216 | 1

Source: Washington Times

Zeleny very professionally took matters into his own hand, catching and then smoothly correcting himself too. Meanwhile, the interesting slip of the tongue moment took place during his usual reporting to the ‘Situation Room.’ This show is hosted by Wolf Blitzer.

Source: Redbubble

Here, the topic of discussion was Biden’s Georgia state stumping. It was on behalf of several different candidates for the Democratic  Senate that included Jon Ossoff as well as Rev Raphael Warnock.


Other than that, it’s interesting to note how the slip of tongue comes at a time when Biden is continually putting together his new cabinet & White House staff.