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A Somali Community Leader Disclosed Ihan Omar Married Her Brother Saying ‘She Would Do What She Has To Do To Get Him Papers’

whatsapp image 2020 02 21 at 1 03 58 am.jpeg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - A Somali Community Leader Disclosed Ihan Omar Married Her Brother Saying 'She Would Do What She Has To Do To Get Him Papers'

Somali community leader who claims to have known Rep.


Ilhan Omar for a long time said she had married her brother to help him stay in the USA.

Abdihakim Osman claimed that Omar had told friends her brother was the second man she married, and that she married him for immigration purposes.

He is the first source to go on record and speak about how Omar stated she tried to get her brother papers to live in the U.S. when she was married to her first husband, Ahmed Hirsi.


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Source: Facebook

The FBI investigated the marriage and met with a Minneapolis source who passed over a collection of papers.point 205 |


 The paper reported that any results had to be communicated with Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the US Department of Education.point 117 | Those found suspected of committing marriage fraud will incur up to five years in prison and up to $250,000.point 207 | 1


Omar and Elmi moved to Fargo, where they both attended the state of North Dakota, after their marriage. Yet Omar and Hirsi, as husband and wife were still together, Osman said.

Source: Instagram

Osman claims that Elmi and Omar wanted somebody to perform the wedding outside the Somali community because an imam might have recognized they were related and would have refused to marry them.


Omar and Elmi ultimately divorced in 2017 and the next year she remarried Hirsi — with whom she had to have a third child.

Source: Instagram

Omar was having an affair with her chief fundraiser Tim Mynett, a married father-of-one. Hirsi and Omar divorced in November. He married pediatric nurse Ladan Ahmed 37 days later. However, Mynett divorced in December, with his wife Beth Jordan.

Source: CAIR-WA

Omar campaigns for a second term in Congress in which she joined in the so-called ‘ Squad ‘ with fellow progressive first-term congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts.