A young girl has died after suffering from a tragic freak accident at her own daycare’s playground recently.
According to local media outlets, 3-year-old Sophie Biver was spending her usual day at her nursery located in South Dakota’s Sioux Falls. But things took a turn for the worst, all of a sudden, when a rope tied around her neck, strangulating her instantly when she played.

Authorities following the case reported how investigations were currently on the rise as it is still unclear as to how a loose piece of rope reached her in the first place. In the same way, it’s not clear why there was loose rope lying around and whether or not it belonged to the school’s equipment.
Young Sophie was immediately rushed to the nearby hospital on Monday morning. After spending two days in the hospital, she died on Wednesday after a CT scan, leaving loved ones in absolute grief and shock.

Now, her family says they’re busy raising funds for the kid’s hospital that goes by the name of Sanford’s Children’s Pediatric Intensive Care Unit via the Caring Bridge.
Some reports from unidentified sources went on to explain how the freak accident took place because the child became entangled all of a sudden. Others claim the rope was a part of some toy equipment situated in the playground. Again, the fact that it was lying loose with no one noticing has concerned authorities who claim to take action on the matter.
In the same way, young Sophie’s friends are also playing their part by setting up a GoFundMe account in the hospital’s name, which has managed to raise about $44,000 so far.
One family friend went on to reveal how the young child, who was so popular for her beautiful and fiery personality, passed away without any pain. “She was surrounded by the immense love of her family and friends, who stood by her side till her last breath,” she added.