Categories: Animals

A Giraffe Smashed Its Head At A Car Window In West Midlands Safari Park

A couple who visited the West Midlands Safari Park caught off guard when the giraffe stuck its head in the car window.


The windows of their car were down, and the giraffe decided to stoop down and look into the vehicle. However, the female passenger was not sure how to fend off the animal, so she rolled the window up.

However, this move caused the glass of the window to smash on the giraffe’s face.

Image Source- MoMedia/YouTube

Visitors at the park are actually allowed to feed animals residing there at certain points during the drive.
However, park regulations state that vehicle windows must be half shut. The visitors are also supposed to keep their hands outside of their vehicle when feeding an animal.

Image Source- MoMedia/YouTube

The incident was caught on video.

As expected, people who have seen the video and photos of the incident online have commented on the situation.


One person called the woman a ‘vile moron’ when she closed the window while the giraffe’s head was inside the car.

Image Source- MoMedia/YouTube

Another commented that it is one’s duty when going to a safari to consider the safety of the safari’s “inmates” and added that the giraffe looked playful. The person said that instead of closing the window she should have patted the giraffe.


An upset commenter said they hope the woman in the video is never welcomed back by the park. Doing what she did—shutting the window on the head of the giraffe—is a sign of idiocy.


Meanwhile, a spokesperson for the safari told the media that the incident is under investigation.


The good news is that the giraffe was immediately checked by the safari staff and did not sustain any injuries.