Categories: Lifenews

George Floyd Memorial In Minneapolis Vandalized For The Second Time In Seven Weeks

The famous George Floyd Memorial, situated off East 38th Street, underwent another vandalizing attempt.


This is the second time in a span of 7 weeks that such an incident took place. According to reports, authorities discovered profane messages sprayed across the mural, containing Floyd’s face. Meanwhile, officers confirmed how the startling incident took place during the early hours of Sunday morning.

Source: FOX 9 Minneapolis

One witness who often strolls down that area had a lot to say. He claims that the culprits aimed to intentionally target Floyd. At the same time, he signaled it as a sign for divisive times. Likewise, it’s a symbol of how citizens are scared of confronting the thought of racism from within.


Pam Colby, the outspoken citizen, further feels that citizens are lashing out by vandalizing, instead of actually dealing with the problem. Meanwhile, this is actually the second time that such an event took place.

Source: Star Tribune

The last time was in August, where culprits targeted the same George Floyd Mural. Ever since that incident, state officials restored the mural. However, this is the second time that it underwent an attack in 7 weeks.


On the other hand, volunteers of the memorial say that the same mural was bound to undergo a series of repair. And that’s right before this unfortunate incident took place.

Source: Washington Times

As the memorial kept on growing, authorities blocked off that very street from traffic. This is the exact same location where Floyd passed away in May. Likewise, the state officials from Minneapolis are constantly on the hunt for more ideas pertaining to George Floyd Square.

Source: CNN.com

Citizens come here on a daily basis, stopping and staring at the mural. It’s almost as if they take a moment to relive the struggle and pain that Floyd went through on that day. Moreover, it’s amazing to see how one incident changed the lives of so many people forever.