Categories: Lifenews

Most People Can’t Figure Out If This Child Is Underwater Or Not! But Can You?

Optical illusions sometimes have a bizarre way of making things appear in a way that ceases to exist in reality.


But that’s the entire purpose of the fun. You get to see how you compare with the majority and it’s mind-blowing how different some of the answers can be.

Hence, we thought it would be interesting to see where you stand amongst the rest. Therefore, let’s take a look at one such case that has put the internet into a major debate.

Source: Trip Hobo

Get this womens’ “Mom Battery Low Funny Sarcastic Graphic Tired Parenting Mother T-Shirt”


Posted a while back on Reddit, this confusing image swept the world off its feet. And that’s because the answer to a picture that seems so innocent truly had people in absolute dilemma. But again, that’s the entire point of optical illusions. They’re so much fun when they play tricks on your eyes and your mind.


Ok, so we’re still not quite sure if this image was intentional or accidental. But what we do know is that it had so many people in absolute awe.

The puzzling image

Source: Insider

Here, a young girl is seen having a blast with some splash. And we certainly can’t blame her because what better way to beat the heat than this. But wait, the question that’s on everyone’s mind is whether or not the girl is actually underwater or not.


The debate stirred answers from all across the board. Originally, the image was first posted by a user on Imgur called Maskari. And since then, it’s a classic repost that people simply can’t get enough of.

Okay, so what do you think? Are you ready for the final reveal? Look below!



Well, if you happened to be a part of the bunch who claimed she wasn’t underwater, then congratulations!

Source: Insider

Yes, she is definitely NOT underwater. Now, there were a few clues that led to this answer. Firstly, you can never be underwater and splashing simultaneously. Certainly, it just doesn’t have any logic.


Secondly, look at her hair. It’s completely dry, while her ponytail is not floating in the water either. If she was underwater, the case would have been the opposite. Also, don’t be fooled by the ‘air bubbles.’ Those are simply water droplets.


Thanks to overexposure or a digitally themed filter, the light appears as if she’s beneath the water. But again, it’s just an illusion.