A woman from Florida says a FedEx carrier has gone beyond the call of duty by sanitizing the parcels he sent to her house.
Now, in this dark moment, she is telling us to show the same compassion.

Justin Bradshaw, 28, the FedEx driver delivered a parcel to their home after he saw the note at the entrance. Rather than leaving the package, he has took the time to clean it up and wrote a note which informed the family that it has been sanitized.
The 11-year-old daughter of Carrie Blasi has Type 1 diabetes, so they have a sign at their front door saying someone who lives there has an autoimmune disease.

Security footage caught the caring gesture .However, Blasi and her daughter Emma thanked Justin via video call.
“We’re so grateful for doing something you weren’t even supposed to do,” she told me.
The note which Blasi wrote, reads as, ‘STOP — Someone has an autoimmune disorder in this family home. ‘Those who are immunocompromised are more likely to catch coronavirus (COVID-19) and experience complications which endanger life.’
‘Because of this virus’s widespread outbreak we use an abundance of vigilance by maintaining self-isolation and social distancing. We thank your support and appreciation. Please leave your parcels / deliveries at the entrance.’
Bradshaw returns to his delivery van after receiving the letter, and takes a paper towel and sanitizer so that he can disinfect the family package.
‘I sanitized your box, once I’ve seen the notice on door,’ he wrote on the parcel.
‘Stay safe,’ he wrote, along with a face smiley.
Blasi was so impressed that on Twitter, she posted pictures of Bradshaw’s comment on the packet and the alarm sign on her screen.
Bradshaw said his daughter, Nova is also at high risk because she was born prematurely at 28 weeks and weighed only 1 pound 11 ounces.
“The amount of steps we need to go through to stay safe is insane. So when I saw the message, I was shocked … the first thing I worried of was Nova, as she was a micro-premie. And therefore, she is very vulnerable, “said Bradshaw.