Categories: Entertainmentnews

Donald Says ‘No Thanks!’ To NFL Players Kneeling During The National Anthem

Trump tweeted, “No thanks,” as two NFL players took a knee before the Thanksgiving game.


Deshaun Watson of Houston Texans quarterback and Matthew Stafford of Detroit Lions quarterback kneeled during the national anthem before the thanksgiving day game. The action caught the American president’s attention, and he was not so pleased with the players. The team’s annual Thanksgiving match was held at Ford Field in downtown Detroit.

Source: AP

The two players did this to register their protest against inequitable police brutality and racist approach of officials in America. This was not the first time that someone had taken the knee. In August 2016, Colin Kaepernick, a 49-year-old former player from San Francisco, did the same thing.


Trump condemned the action back then too. He said these players have no right to humiliate the national flag and troops. He was so offended by the move that he said management should consider eliminating them for the disrespectful act. The players said they didn’t mean any such thing; they just intended to raise their voices against social prejudice.

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Source: Outsider

Trump expressed his views while addressing his supporters at a demonstration in Alabama, saying that he wants the NFL officials to oust or penalize the two players who took a bend during the national anthem.point 288 |


He asked the supporters wouldn’t they love to witness the owners dismissing the players straightaway who disrespect our flag? How pleasing it would be to listen to owners calling such players to leave the field shouting “Out,” “You are fired,” “You are fired,” he added.point 268 | 1

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Source: New York Post

Matthew Stafford said he finds nothing wrong in what he did, and kneeling was the right option to protest against the racial behavior prevailing in the US.point 247 |


The two players made a move in response to the police murder of several black men over the past few months.point 87 | Matthew also said that this season proved to be great for him and his team.point 148 | He learned and evolved so much and is not regretting the decision of kneeling before the game.point 226 | 1