Some good news awaits all of us.
Fingers crossed.
The scientists have come up with a vaccine that could possibly treat coronavirus patients. A vaccine having the tendency to fire protein in the affected body has been brought to being by the notable scientists.
The researchers and scientists at Pittsburgh University have come up with this million-dollar idea. They’re the people who gave their blood and sweat to bring this deadly disease to halt.

A glasslike teeny weeny patch will be transmitting the vaccine into the skin, and this precious patch is made up of tens of hundreds of microscopic needles of sugar, hence it is least likely to cause pain to the person being treated.
Hold your horses before you rejoice over this inexplicably splendid discovery of these decorated scientists.
The vaccine has yet not been tested on humans. A team of medical professionals from the United States tested this vaccine on mice and came up with a conclusion that this vaccine could help the world combat this virus for at least one year.
So, the initial tests seem to prove, this vaccine is absolutely good to go. Even for the minutest period of time, it is at least able to neutralize the virus that penetrates a healthy person’s body and destroys it in no time. This is something to be considerate of.
If these vaccines get approved, they are going to be delivered the way annual flu vaccines are delivered. And, that’s not what the grapevine has. The scientists themselves are implying that it is supposed to be a painless jab.
In a couple of months, this vaccine is most likely to be tested on humans, but as for now, it’s due for approval from the highbrows of the medical field. So, there’s still a lot of wait we ought to do.
So, humans! Let’s just wait and hope for the bestest till we eventually get rid of this menace!