Categories: Lifenews

Fear Grips Brooklyn’s Streets As Armed Man S**ually Assaults Teen

sdffsdfdf.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Fear Grips Brooklyn’s Streets As Armed Man S**ually Assaults Teen

Chilling news from the streets of Brooklyn broke out recently.


According to media reports, a sick-minded man raped a 19-year-old female on a Brooklyn street. Officials confirmed how the alleged attacker was carrying a knife, which he used to threaten her.

It all started when the young woman was walking on the streets near East New York and the Ralph Avenues in Brownsville. The footage confirmed how it was around 12:15 am in the night when the event took place.

Source: NBC New York

The attacker grabbed her from behind and threatened her with his weapon, which authorities claim looks like a kitchen knife. Moreover, he threatened to slit her throat if she resisted. Within seconds, the chilling video footage shows him dragging her into an apartment building, located in the nearby vicinity. 

Source: YouTube

Cops claim that he took her a couple of feet further towards 672 Ralph Avenue. In addition, the New York Police Department confirmed how the sick man raped her with a knife looming over her head the whole time. He kept warning her that he would kill her, in case she made a sound or tried to resist.


Right after committing the heinous crime, he fled away swiftly on foot, without anyone noticing. On the other hand, the 19-year-old woman was taken to Kings County Hospital. Here, medical experts treated her, soon after which she was released. 

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Source: New York News-Times

Currently, police are on the lookout for the unidentified man.point 177 | For this reason, they released the haunting surveillance footage to help make others aware.point 255 |


In the video, you can see the attacker wearing a greenish-yellow hoodie over another red-colored one with jeans.point 95 | He was walking on Ralph Avenue and Sutter Avenue, right before committing the heinous crime.point 173 |  point 175 | 1

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