Categories: EntertainmentLife

These Brain Teasing Riddles Aren’t Designed For The Weak- Where Do You Stand?

These riddles aren’t designed for the weak so if you can solve them, you’re certainly amongst the best.


We agree that the number of puzzles available on the internet to stump people are plenty. But these are on another level altogether. Today, it’s time to give your brain a workout and that’s why we bring forward an exciting collection of logical themed brain teasers. Some with numbers, some with shapes, and others with words- it’s an exciting array for you!


If you’re able to get them right on the first try, we certainly believe you deserve a pat on the back. And in case you don’t, you’re definitely a winner for trying. So let the challenge begin!

Riddle #1

Which of the following cups of coffee would be filled with coffee first?

Source: Business Insider

Solution #1

If you pay attention to the picture closely, you can clearly see that each of the pipes in the image is blocked, except for one. And that is the one that leads to coffee cup number 5. Hence, cup 5 is the answer.


Riddle #2

How many triangles can you spot in this picture?

Source: Woman’s World

Solution #2

After this challenge was posted on a famous page on Facebook, viewers began debating on the exact number of triangles. They were in the range of 4 to 44. But the correct answer as mentioned by leading mathematician Martin Silvertant is 25.


See, each row has a total of 6 triangles and there are 4 rows. Don’t forget the main triangle, making it 25.

Riddle #3

You need to fix it by moving a single matchstick but how will you do it?

Source: Mind Your Decisions

Solution #3

This challenge mentions how you can either remove one matchstick from the addition sign and then turn the number six into an eight (8-4=4) or you can move over one matchstick from the number six and make it into a zero. (0+4=4)


So how did you do? Stay tuned for more similar mind-boggling challenges and don’t forget to share with loved ones too!

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