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Boris Johnson’s Pregnant Girlfriend Carrie Symonds Has ‘Coronavirus Symptoms’

hhaaaaa.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Boris Johnson’s Pregnant Girlfriend Carrie Symonds Has 'Coronavirus Symptoms'

The lady love of British prime minister and conservative party’s prominent leader is said to have been suffering from the deadly pandemic for a week or so.


The woman’s pregnant with Boris’ child and was about to tie the knots with him. She herself broke this news to the world via Twitter.

The world’s gone rampant after this ungodly pathogen took roots. The routine life has been razed to the ground in every nook of the world. The UK has been one of the most terribly affected countries on the globe. Even the health minister of the UK has turned out to be Coronavirus ++. 

Carrie Symons has announced she has coronavirus after fiancee Boris Johnson went into isolation with the deadly pathogen
Source: Instagram

Carrie Symonds, a senior advisor to an ocean conservation charity, is said to have noticed major symptoms in her body. She took to Twitter to reveal how she has been bedridden for a week with prime symptoms of the virus. 


She’s not the only one to suffer from this deadly disease, her fiance and country’s prime minister, Boris Johnson, has also been coerced into isolating himself from the world. Some people suggest that Carrie is the one to transmit this virus to him.

Source: PA

The grapevine has it, Boris Johnson couldn’t distance himself from his partner and meanwhile, this virus was imparted to him. People across the UK are worried about who’ll be coping with this crisis-like situation if the prime minister goes to quarantine.


A moment after Carrie apprised people of her situation, the health minister backed it up with saying, she’s been taken care of and is getting better. From the Health Minister’s statement, we can deduce that Carrie Symonds’ health isn’t falling apart at the seams.

Source: AFP via Getty Images

In her series of tweets, Carrie shared some significant information with other pregnant ladies who are either diagnosed or on the verge of being diagnosed with the unholy virus. In such a difficult phase of her life, she seems to be thoughtful of those who are on the same boat.