Dozens of BLM demonstrators marched towards the LAPD building on Monday night, leading to a violent protest.
The unrest in Los Angeles is reportedly one of the most severe events to take place in the city. As a result, authorities estimate damages leading up to tens of thousands of dollars.
Meanwhile, the massive group of protestors marched towards the Los Angeles Police Department building. This is located on the Main as well as the First streets. At around 9:40 pm, they stormed inside by breaking windows, kicking doors, and damaging ATMs.
The unfortunate scenes arose due to the fatal shooting by cops of an unarmed Black citizen. Jonathan Price from Texas was killed on the weekend. Moreover, witnesses describe how you could see his name spray-painted over buildings. It was as if the entire area resounded with protests in his name.
Furthermore, the Los Angeles Police Department released a public statement, mentioning the chaotic situation over their Twitter accounts.point 244 |
It stated: ‘Last night DTLA experienced a spasm of violence.point 57 | Our people did everything they could to quell the violence, and will strive to arrest those responsible for the vandalism and destruction.point 174 | ’point 181 | 1
Meanwhile, officers in their riot gear stood silently as enraged members from the crowd gathered to wreak havoc. They tore down some temporary barriers located outside the LAPD headquarters. While police claim that no damage was done to their building, the miscreants did destroy nearby structures.
You could clearly see shattered windows as well as damaged doors from nearby areas. This includes immense damage to property during the violent unrest. This included great damage to California’s Secretary of State building upon Spring Street.
On the other hand, LAPD retweeted footage from Scriberr News that showcases the great intensity of the situation. People were fleeing for their lives as protestors smashed the front side windows of a building using metal pipes.
Other footage showed miscreants burning the American flag and spray painting ‘kill more cops’ over buildings.