The White House confirmed on Thursday how President Biden and former US President Obama chat on a daily basis.
According to White House spokesperson Jen Psaki, the duo share a strong bond that spans years of friendship and that’s why they are so close to one another. Speaking on a daily basis is not unusual for the duo who really enjoy each other’s company and see eye to eye on a wide range of issues.
Therefore, when it comes to taking advice or discussing matters, Biden makes sure he has his close buddy by his side.
While the spokesperson failed to confirm what the wide range of issues included, she did refer to is as formal issues as well as some personal matters too.
In the same way, she did not go as far as disclosing the frequency of those hidden conversations too.Jen Psaki also added how the duo isn’t just former colleagues but much more. “I guess you can refer to the bond as president and vice-president,” she mentioned.
Other than that, she shed light on how the duo remains, close friends, while speaking regularly about a wide array of issues that include policy issues as well as bouncing ideas off of one another as well as their families too.
“They are in close touch, there is no doubt about that,” she added. “We just don’t read out those specific types of calls,” she mentioned.
The White House likes to keep these types of things private but she kept on being pressured by the press regarding how regularly speak to one another. On that note, Jen added how revealing such details would violate their bond of friendship or the privacy of the friendship.
When it came to the question of whether or not Biden keeps in close touch with other former US presidents, Jen replied by saying that she won’t elaborate any further.