Ashley Hildebrand shared heartbreaking photos of her daughter breathing into a respirator, courageous two-month-old Ellie had “no signs” before getting sick.
The distraught mum said that after their baby screened Covid-19 positively, she and partner Sean were told to quarantine themselves.
Before paramedics arrived at the Lexington, South Carolina family home, their oxygen levels had dropped to 58, and Ashley said “she actually got hypothermic” while in hospital.

The shocking pictures show the two-month-old lying in a hospital bed, with tubing to her nose and a respirator to help her breathe.
“Sooooo… Ellie tested COVID 19 for positive. Without her, me and Sean have to quarantine themselves for 2 weeks,’ the disturbed mother said in Facebook post.
Really she did not have any symptoms beforehand. For a couple days, she’d been a bit wheezy on and off, nothing troubling. Then at her two month check-up, her lungs seemed perfect Tuesday,’ Mother said.
Yet Ashley has said that her courageous little girl is battling the virus fiercely.
“Ellie clearly doesn’t like that at all and is trying to fight every chance she has against the nurses, so that’s good. It let us know that she is still strong.
She further said, “I didn’t have any symptoms, and still don’t. I’m going 11-14 days into self-quarantine.
Ellie had a bottle on Friday morning and was having some tummy time. She turned over and appeared highly constipated. She then cried for a few minutes and then started yelling and weeping, and basically stopped breathing.’
The mother continued, ‘ We called 911, her oxygen was at 58 when the ambulance got there. She really got hypothermic whilst in the hospital and they said little babies sometimes get cold because of a fever.’
The doctors didn’t believe the little girl had coronavirus’ because the signs didn’t add up,’ but gave her the check’ just to be sure’ because she was negative for some other diseases including flu and SARS.
She s taking sedatives on a ventilator to allow her lungs room to recover. She’s going to wake up semi as we play with her, and she s trying to wiggle it all off.
However she is showing signs of improvement and doctors continue weaning her off the ventilator and in 1-2 more days, it will be all the way out,’