Categories: Lifenews

Newborn Baby Dies From Heart Attack During Baptism Ceremony

ggssgg.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Newborn Baby Dies From Heart Attack During Baptism Ceremony

A baby passed away from cardiac arrest, right after it went through a traumatic baptism ceremony in Romania.


According to media reports, the Romanian baby was brutally subjected to the Baptism rituals, where the infant was immersed into holy water, at least 3 times. Right after the incident, officials realized that something wasn’t quite right. And that’s when they rushed the child to the hospital, as he reportedly suffered a cardiac arrest.

Source: BBC

Shockingly, news soon broke out on how the child died, moments later, leaving loved ones stunned beyond belief. Local news outlets reported how the autopsy showed that liquid had entered inside his lungs. And due to that, he suffered a heart attack.


The latest incident brought the Romanian Orthodox Church in the line of fire, with many criticizing officials to alter the current Baptism rules. In the same way, prosecutors have also opened up a new case relating to manslaughter with investigations in full swing. This was all against the priest of Suceava, which is a religious city in Romania.

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Source: The Journal.point 118 | ae

In the same way, protesters revealed their wishes for change via an online petition, which went viral in no time.point 214 |


The petition mentioned, “the death of the newborn occurred due to dangerous age-old practices,” and they termed that a major tragedy.point 125 | The protesters demanded an immediate change to avoid such events from occurring in the near future.point 209 | 1

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Source: Universal.point 117 | net

Just by Thursday evening, reports confirmed how the online petition received a massive response comprising of over 56,000 signatures.point 235 |


On the other hand, one person boldly denounced the old practices of Baptism, called out the brutality related to the ritual.point 104 | In the same way, another angry person blasted religious officials who put their stubbornness before anything else.point 202 | 1


Shockingly, local media agencies talked about how this wasn’t the first incident of its kind. And that meant similar incidents took place in recent years, yet no one took any action.

Source: EPA

One spokesperson from the church suggested a constructive change whereby priests could pour water on the baby, instead of completely submerging it. However, the church’s traditionalist wing leader confirmed that there would be no such change in regards to the current ritual.


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