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The Late Blind Mystic Baba Vanga Predicted 2021 Will Be More Difficult For The World

If you believe the predictions of Baba Vanga, 2021 could be just as bad.


The late blind Bulgarian mystic correctly predicted the 9/11 attack, the rise of ISIS, and even Brexit.

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Before her demise in 1996, Baba Vanga also made some predictions for 2020.


While 2020 did bring many bad situations, most of Baba Vanga’s predictions did not materialize.

The mystic had predicted a huge tsunami to hit Pakistan, China, Japan, and Alaska as well as the death of 400 people in an earthquake in Asia.


Baba Vanga also correctly predicted that sitting US President Donald Trump would have a difficult year, but she said he would fall ill and lose his hearing. There are a few days left of the year and while Trump’s hearing is still intact, his presidency is not after he lost the general election to Joe Biden.


For the year 2021, the mystic believed that the next year would see a ‘lot of cataclysms and great disasters’.


She said that ‘a strong dragon will seize humanity’, that ‘the three giants will unite’ and ‘some people will have red money’.

In addition, Baba Vanga said ‘difficult times will come’ and ‘people will be divided by their faith’.


“We are witnessing devastating events that will change the fate and destiny of humanity,” Baba Vanga said before her death.


One positive to come out of 2021 is the development of the world’s fastest vaccine. If the mystic is at all correct, the advancements in science will lead to the discovery of a cure for cancer in 2021.


“The day will come when cancer will get tied with iron chains,” she said.

Also, in another good news for the ongoing climate crisis, the mystic predicted: “The petrol production will stop, and the Earth will rest.”


Baba Vanga also believed that humans will make interact with aliens in the next 200 years.


“Life in cosmos will be discovered, and suddenly it will be clear how life on Earth first appeared. People will get in touch with their spiritual siblings from other worlds,” she said.

Before Baba Vanga’s death more than two decades ago, the mystic predicted the course of world events up until the year 5079.