A teenage girl from Australia got the surprise of her life after finding a highly venomous snake hiding inside her asthma inhaler.
The unnamed teenager from Bli Bli, on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast, had just taken in a load of washing and was sorting it out on her bedroom floor when she noticed a dark-colored shadow wriggling its way out of the pile.

By the time Heather, the snake catcher, arrived at the girl’s home, the baby red-bellied black snake had found its way and curled up inside her inhaler.
“You would not believe this … at a home in Bli Bli a teenage girl got the surprise of her life,” wrote the Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers 24/7 as they shared their Heather’s incident on their Facebook page.
“This is crazy and super lucky we were able to find the snake.”
“It’s one of the most incredible places we have ever found a snake before and glad Heather was able to catch and relocate it safely,” the post continued.
Hundred of comments and shares flocked the shocking post, with some finding humor in the ordeal.
“Holy cow, that would bring on an asthma attack,” joked one commenter.
“Wow! I didn’t even think snakes could HAVE asthma,” quipped another.
Some find the incident horrifying, with one commenter expressing, “I will be handling my daughter’s inhalers with extra care from now on!”
According to the Australian Museum, red-bellied black snakes are among the most frequently encountered snakes on Australia’s east coast.
The species are thought to be shy creatures, but they are recorded to be responsible for the number of bites each year.
Experts understood that these snakes will usually only give a serious bite if they feel severely threatened.
A victim bit by this species will usually experience mild symptoms such as headache, vomiting, diarrhea, and excessive sweating