Categories: Lifenews

Amazon Delivery Driver Got Fired After Stealing Kid’s PlayStation 5

An Amazon delivery driver has been fired after he got caught on CCTV footage while he was delivering a PS5 box and then taking it back to his van.


Jenni and Richard Walker, from Oxfordshire, ordered the package for their son’s 16th birthday as a gift.

Source: Google

The angry father, Richard, posted the footage on Twitter and wrote that the Amazon driver “delivering” – scanning then putting back in the van – his son’s PS5 on launch day, which was also his 16th birthday present.


The family got in touch with Amazon, and they were told that they will investigate the incident, according to the report.

Source;Richard Walker/Facebook

The E-commerce company’s first response was to offer a £5 gift voucher as compensation, which later on they changed to a £50 gift voucher and a refund. However, the family was not pleased with the voucher, so the daughter of the Walker family drove to the Amazon depot and talked about this incident with the site’s boss.

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Source;Richard Walker/Facebook

The site’s boss recognized the delivery man on the CCTV footage and said that he will be fired.point 209 |


The Amazon spokesman said that they have very high standards for their delivery service providers and how they serve customers.point 108 | And the spokesman added that the delivery associate will no longer be delivering on behalf of Amazon.point 193 | 1

The Walkers were not the only family who felt betrayed by Amazon over the Play Station 5. Last week, furious customers wrote that instead of PS5, they received the wrong order, such as cat food, loo roll, coffee machine, air fryer, and foot massager. Mad customers used social media, like Twitter, to complain about their disappointment.

Source;Richard Walker/Facebook

Bex April May was one of the customers to complain and criticize Amazon after she did not receive her order, which was PS5, but instead, she got an air fryer. According to other news, Amazon has an epic Black Friday sale for the Apple AirPods Pro.